Americana Kitchen

available now!

Americana Music simply means "American Roots Music". This project is a celebration of American Heritage or Roots Music that has been so influential to music all over the world since it includes all of these "American Born Musical Styles": Blues, Jazz, Rock n Roll, Bluegrass, Country & Western, Country Pop, American, Gospel Music, Zydeco, Delta Music, Boogie Woogie, Swing, Be Bop, Rhythm & Blues, and so much more. This CD is a "Studio Band Project CD" featuring the finest musicians and singers from San Gabriel Valley and surrounding cities. The focus is American Roots Music and to showcase all the wonderful styles associated with Americana Music. The irony is that the project goal was a retro sounding recording but we used alot of modern day technology to achieve it. Thanks to the power of technology, the internet, and track sharing, we can piece together recording performances with musicians who are on tour, in a different city or state, with a simple email. Musicians all have their own respective home or touring recording studio access allowing them to record their performances in their own enviornment, for comfortablity, and simply email the tracks in when finished. Additionally, the true unsung hero's of this Double CD are, with out question the featured musicians, singers, and studio session players. This is definitely a project where we used something old...something new...something borrowed...and something blue. Performance tracks and samples were also used to help shape the sound we were looking for. Whenever possible, if we know the name of the artist on the sample or edited performance track used, we will proudly name them simply for thanks and respect.
All songs are written, arranged, and produced by Danny Johnson. Recorded at Junk Records in Covina, Ca.
"A musical journey showcasing American Roots Music featuring the best local Musicians and Singers from San Gabriel Valley and Greater Los Angeles areas".

Side 1
This side has more "electric and contemporary " arrangements that sound modern and curent.
Side 2
This side has more "acoustic and unplugged" arrangements that sound more down home with a country feel.


Thanks From Danny
This CD is volume 1 of Americana Kitchen's debut album with several more volume's to come and celebrates "American Roots Music". I'd like to personally thank each and every featured musician, singer, engineer, session player and soloist on this project from the bottom of my heart for giving me they're time and talent to share with the world. Their performances are as good as it gets and they made my music come to life. Additionally, the true unsung hero's of this Double CD are, with out question the featured musicians, singers, as well as the studio session players.
I have only scratched the surface of the many talented performers in San Gabriel Valley that I'd like to collaborate with in the upcoming Americana Kitchen Vol. II. Stay tuned....
Thanks for your support buying this CD....and continue to support Live Music....
Best Wishes,
Danny Johnson

CD Info & Legal Stuff:
Music: All Songs Written, Arranged and Produced by Danny Johnson
Label / JUNK-RECORDS - Copywritten 2014 - BMI - Unauthorized duplication or use of these songs prohibited. All rights reserved.
Tracking & Mixing Engineer: All Songs Tracked and Mixed by Danny Johnson (Bernard Pershey - drum tracking on song 7 (Side 1) & song 1 (side 2)
CD Mastering / Maor Appelbaum, Los Angeles, Ca.
CD Cover Design & Layout / Danny Johnson
Pin-Up Image on CD Cover / Gil Elvgren - lic. by Brown & Bigelow
Contact / Danny Johnson - danny@americanakitchenmusic.com